Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I am not insane!

That's why I'm in this crazy competition to prove I'm not insane just ask my advisor for the game the flying cat.

" You must kill them Yamcha kill them all! " No that won't help me win! Quiet you!

The guy I got to design me a costume. He had one glass eye, and the other one was lazy that and he seemed to missed the point completely.

And it's really tight in the special area. The people in the House or Home or whatever depot kept calling me things like "MC pee pants". Another one shouted " Hey loser the special people's baseball league is next door.

One guy had very little imagination. "Huh! Huh! You lost your girlfriend to a midget!"

Just what I didn't need a reminder of that bastard. So I broke his arm, and got kicked out of the store but I bought enough stuff. To make a good enough room I think.

The dinosaur Why do i have to get a stupid dinosaur? Moronic Superman! After searching the full day I hired Barney's really dumb cousin. Blarney. He keeps trying to teach me elementary school lessons wrong.
For the last time! 2 comes after 3! And no I won't let you hug me ! Stupid reptile!


Thousand Faces said...

You have yet to prove you're not insane.

Superman said...

I'd have to agree.

Optimus Prime said...

That dinosaur kind of reminds me of Grimlock.

Wait, I already said that.

Skywalker said...

That looks like a sick Barney. Nice room tho.

Lauphen Staar said...

LMAO!! Blarney! What did I tell you about your teaching? "Never give up, unless YOU ABSOLUTELY SUCK AND WILL SCREW MANY KIDS UP."

Crater said...

My Dad had a saying about blokes like you.

"He's got a few cans short of a six pack."

And you know what a six pack would be nice about know. But this being the Hall of Justice all I can find to drink is milk and orange juice. Time to dial a slab.

Jeremy Rizza said...

I bet Blarney's a lot more entertaining after a couple of pints (for both him and me).