Saturday, August 18, 2007

challenge 3 judgement

Now the Watcher will pass judgement.

Blockade Boy: Interesting method of training the cosmic powered cat I mean Cooties. But it did work so I can't fault it.

Noel: Well the parrot is still a bit annoying but you did succeed in making him stop attacking you.

Crater: I think Streaky trained you.

Jan: the producers are having a problem with the fact you went through three super pets. But I judge that you had indeed trained the dragon, and being able to eat while listening to monkeyboy telling bad jokes is a superpower.

Thousand Faces: Very effective way of training the Apocalypse Ponies.

Skywalker: You seem to have gotten one of the more mild mannered pets. Yet insulting in it's own way.

Now I shall give out the immunity. The winner this week is Thousand Faces.

Here is the viewers vote poll for elimination.
Who should go?
Blockade Boy
Jan free polls

Contestants send your votes to The elimination will happen tomorrow night. The Watcher has spoken. Farewell.

1 comment:

Skywalker said...

Congrats, Faces. Well played.