Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Everyone here thinks I’m going to spy on Chancellor Palpatine. I’m not. He is a mentor and a friend, not to mention that would be that would be treason. However, if Superman thinks Jar Jar Binks is a part of sinister plot I can find out.

Jar Jar works for my girl as an aide, so he is easy to find. I haven’t seen him a few months, so as soon as I walk in-

“ANNNNIIIEEEE!” And tackles me in a hug.

“Hi, Jar Jar,” I said, untangling myself from him. “You got a few minutes? I need to talk to you.”

“Meesa always got timeo for yousa, Ani!” He waves me inside is his office. A very nice office I might add. He has come a long way from the swamps of Naboo, even if his basic is still way off. “Whatya need, Annie?”

“Are you involved in any shady dealings?”

His tongue fell out. “Meesa? Meeas work all the timeo for Miss Padme, meesa got no timeo to wash behind my ears! Whys you asksin?”

“Someone thinks you are.”

He blinks and looks down at the desk, then back at me. “Ohhhhhh… “

I followed his eyes. On his desk was a holo picture of him and pretty girl. I picked it up.

“Who is this, Jar Jar?” I asked.

“Meesa girlfriend. Filomena.”

Filomena. Where have I heard that name before? Wait… My head snapped up. “Filomena, the exotic dancer bounty hunter?”

He nodded. “Meesa met her at your secret bachelor part-“

I slapped a hand over his mouth. “Shhh! Still a secret,” I snapped. “Padme doesn’t know about that.” I had to smile. “You stud!” Jar Jar blushed. “Is she still bounty hunting?”

Rapid nods. “Uh-huh. Meesa don’t seea her mucho.” Jar Jar grabbed my arm and hopped. “Meesa not doing anything, mesas swears!”

That cleared that up. He wasn’t involved with anything unhanded. Filomena might be, but not him. I calmed him down. “I know but I had to ask.”

“Shea coming over, yousa can met her again!”

Uh. Not a good idea. She might remember me. “No, that’s alright. I need to go.”

I left quickly.

So not real dirt on Jar Jar but some on myself. Don’t spread that around, alright? That party was not my idea.

Skywalker Out.


Justice said...

uh-oh she is going to find out now

? said...

So you see palpatine as a mentor huh? Hmmmmmm.

Godfrey Zebulon said...

Now you know why I didn't have a bachelor party.. for a start yes Phobia would've killed me.. And second, so I didn't end up in this position ...

I have to give Jar Jar credit. everyone deserves someone.. even him

Phobia said...

Got that right.. well I would've just made sure the punishment fit the crime ...

Ani this is why you never have a wedding or a party on Coruscant.. everyone finds out

Unknown said...

That gave out too much, Ani. LOL!

Jan the Intergalactic Aviator said...

"Shoot a Gungan in the back before he shoots you in the back is what I always say. Well, at least I do now.