Thursday, August 23, 2007

Operation Visit the Insane

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Needless to say, I was disappointed when Superman handed me the paper with who I was supposed to see. Morph. It wasn’t very original, because Morph had appeared in the challenge announcement.

But he said, “But you and Morph have so much in common!” Sure… Fine. That’s okay. I’ll take the shape shifter. I got dressed in my ridiculous outfit, and I rounded up the Apocalypse Ponies, and I headed towards the Insane Asylum.

When I saw the place, it made me shiver. When I got to the front desk the secretary raised her eyebrow, “Who are you to see?”

I handed her the sheet of paper with Morph’s name on it. She raised her eyebrow again, “Before you can see Morph, you need to tell me two things that I can use to determine whether you’re really you or not. What are these things?”

I showed her my tattoo that was on my shoulder, and then I held my throat, and opened my mouth, “You’ve got a tattoo and you’re mute. Check. What are you ‘Super Powers’ or ‘Mutant Powers’?”

I shifted forms into an exact copy of her, using a burst of nature magic, “Cute,” she said, “You’re clear to go in.” I shifted to the form of Rapier’s dead wife. (Short Explanation: Rapier is my goddaughter’s uncle. And my ‘daughter’ ‘s sister’s husband. He was married long, long before he met her. However I found a single strand of her hair, and I caught her DNA and now I use her form when I need to delegate.)

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I entered Morph’s room, it was a lovely little rubber-tight cell where he couldn’t change forms and get out of. The guards locked the door behind me, and I sat down in front of him.

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“Hello,” he said in a high pitched annoying voice.

“Hello,” I whispered, “I’m sure you know why I am here.”

“You’re here to play!” he said, “How long are you in for?”

“Oh… I don’t know Morph.”

“Ah-while, I imagine.”

“What did you just say?”


“Do you mean awhile?”

“Yeah, Ah-while.”





“Ah-while,” I shook my head, “Now you got me saying it!”

“Ehehehehehehe…What’s your power, Tawny?”

“What did you just call me?”

“Tawny… So, what’s your power?”

“I’m a shapeshifter.”

“Really… I’ll name someone, you change into them.”

“Then I’ll do the same, it will pass the time.”

He yelled, “Ellen Ripley!”

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I said, “Albert Einstein!”

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He yelled, “Samo Hung!”

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I said, “Madmartigan!”

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He yelled, “Amy Lee!”

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I yelled, “Vincent Price!”

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He yelled, “Morph!”

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I yelled, “Thousand Faces!”

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He yelled, “Help me! He’s going crazy!”

Uh-oh. I was just outsmarted by not only Morph, but a crazy man.

The guards came in and grabbed me shoving me to the ground while Morph in my form ran out, “Its not me, its’ her, she’s me, and I’m her. He’s in my form, and I’m in his.”

“Sure you are Morph… Whatever…”

I stood up, and shifted back, and I held my hands out and signed something out, “Whatever Morph…”

That’s when the secretary came in holding Morph in my form, “It’s her, she’s Morph.” He yelled pointing at me.

“No, let the one whose not saying anything out.”

I stepped out of the room, Morph trapped safely in it, and the secretary looked at me, “That took Ah-while.”

I shrugged and walked by her, I gave her a light hug before heading out.

If all else fails, the Secretary is the only person who can get anything done, and get it done right. The Apocalypse ponies were chasing Poison Ivy outside. I gathered them and took them back. Some Super pets they where.

Operation Visit the Insane - Failure!

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Skywalker said...

It didnt go that bad, really it didn't.

November Rain said...

well not much of a failure

Jan the Intergalactic Aviator said...

Good thing Odo and T-1000 weren't there as well, I suppose.

I think the shape changing competition worked, though. You got a chance to reach out to him. Too bad he did what he did, though.

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

Eistein's not looking too good, there.