Sunday, August 26, 2007

Challenge 5

Smoke fills the room as the contestants wait for the next challenge. After everyone coughs and blow the smoke out with the fan inside the meeting room they find. A faceless man has entered the room with them.

Jan: What the Where did he come from?

Crater : I think I know him. An obscure American capes and tights guy, but this bloke is supposed to be dead.

?: Actually I don't do spandex. As for my death. Did I die? Or did I fake that ? That is the Question.

Crater : That's right the Question!

Jan: Where's his face? What is he?

Noel: He's just a human wearing an odd mask. Why are you here?

?: Well you see Superman is off fighting whatever alien invasion has happened this week, , the producers called me because apparently what I want to do with my time isn't important. But you see you will help me with my work.

Skywalker: What kind of work do you do weirdo?

? : Anakin Skywalker. Married to an important politician, which would be a huge scandal if anyone in your galaxy discovered that. Mostly because your order is supposed to be chaste. That and you use way too much hair product.

Skywalker: Yo.. Whut? How did you... Are you going through my trash?

?: Don't be ridiculous.

Skywalker: Good because....

?: I go through everyone's trash.


?: Your challenge this week is to dig up some dirt on public figures. I believe these people are part of a conspiracy I have been following. Tony Stark, Lex Luthor Bruce Wayne, Senator Palpatine, and Jar Jar Binks. What I want you to do is go under cover and bring me any information on one of these people as possible. You can do the investigation any way you wish.

Jan: What if we find that these people are doing something wacky?

?: Tell me I need a good laugh.


Catia Ravenstone said...

Hey Anakin start at the works.. you'll find some dirt on scarface there

Skywalker said...

Oh, I got dirt. Not sure I wanta share it but I got it.

Phobia said...

*grins* fair enough. she's off with someone. Don't ask. You don't wanna know